In this whole article we will focus on variants basketball . Yes, the basketball , the sport so fantastic and exciting. There is nothing more rapid in the history of sports to see how that orange ball is on the edge of the rim, to fall within the meshed basket to slide to the floor. How many games in the history of this sport have not been at their peak voltage for a time? Or how about this rule where the ball, although it has been released in the last second is still in play, being valid point if encestar despite the timer indicates that the time has come?
When we talk about basketball, immediately we think of such iconic figures as Michael Jordan, Dennis Rodman, Shaquille O'Neal, Kobe Bryant and Pau Gasol , among many others. Athletes are provided with a remarkable stature and quite worked body. Men who, with just a few steps, cross the playing court where, officially (at least in American leagues like the NBA), their period of play is around 48 minutes. And it is that the matches are played in four periods of 12 minutes with a break half each of the segments which can be 10 to 20 minutes. Meanwhile, the public expects in the stands, enjoying hot dogs accompanied by large glasses with soda and waiting while the camera transmission captures the couple of fans a kiss that will be seen at the national level will be given.
Despite the great popularity of this sport, there are many who know that this game has more than a century old . He was born one winter morning at the YMCA School in Springfield, Massachusetts, when Professor James Naismith was given the task to come up with a game that could entertain students while remaining indoors. That was when this man, of Canadian origin, recalled one of his former pastimes child to structure the logic of a sport that would travel around the world. That hobby was known by the name of D uck on a Rock , ie, E l duck on a rock , and was to shoot down a situated atop a stone object. So, motivated by this idea, the physical education teacher asked one of the employees of the school to provide him with a couple of boxes of 50 centimeters, but what I got in return was some baskets of peaches, which James Naismith installed in an upper portion surrounding the gym.Origins Basketball

On that frosty winter morning in 1891 he first played this sport. A year later it was known in most of the state of Massachusetts, to the point that a physical education teacher from Smith College and was changing the laws to conform to a gaming system available for women. So, here is a summary of the main rules (many of which still survive in time) that Professor James Naismith devised:
- The ball may be thrown, with one or both hands, to anywhere on the court.
- Should never be used as a way to fist the ball forward.
- You can not run the ball, so it must be constantly darting between players
- Arms body can not be used to transport the ball.
- Naturally, the faults are sanctioned as happens in most games. The first time is only informed and taken as a warning of what would be the second, which gives rise to the disqualification of the player.
- Such faults are shouldering, pushing, grabbing, tripping or hitting the opponent.
- In the event that a team has made three consecutive absences without the opposing team has made any during that time, then this counts as a point for the opponent.
- There is an umpire, called umpire , who informs the referee (central referee) as specified in the above rule occurs.
- The time was then two halves of 15 minutes, with a total of 5 minutes rest.
- And of course, the most basic rule of all, which despite its obviousness could not be missing here: the point is when the ball in the basket.
And so as the first foundations of this famous sport, considered a sat Olympic game in 1936. Today it is known that the basketball player only has a chance to bounce the ball more than twice before passing to another player and that the free shots equal one point. The shots made in the area of the basket have a value of two, and those launchings from near half court will represent the team a total of three points.
Of course, over the years and decades basketball rules have been modified. Naturally, as has happened with other sports (like football , the swimming or tennis ), there have been variations of basketball.That is, new ways to tap into the technical resources of the court , as you could do it in thecompany of your friends, creating a new strategy game based on the imagination and different rules.Just as in football there is a beach soccer and handball , within the variants of basketball there are other options that I enjoy (siemrpe you have a good hand and a tennis ball).
Basketball variants
Variants are really different, to the point that there are very few officially only in relation to all hitherto been devised people. In fact, within the variants basketball you can enter as such Players agree to specify a certain number of passes before making the play at one point or just the kicks from the free kick. In that sense , basketball is very versatile and opens its doors to the imagination for a total enjoyment of this sport. Now, what we'll do is focus on variants of the most distinguished basketball.
basketball Paralympian
This type of basketball emerged after World War II as a result of a strategy game designed to stimulate the mind of the disabled in the war. Over time it has been spreading like a big sport around the world, where the rules are identical to those of traditional sport , as it takes into account the same dimensions of the court, the same scoring system, the same duration and the same height where the basket. The only difference is that the ball must be passed once the player has pushed himself more than twice in the wheelchair.
water basketball
If something of this embodiment protrudes with respect to other variants basketball is practiced in a pool, placing the floating baskets at the ends thereof. It is played with two teams of five people and there is a limited time to make or lose possession time.
Quite famous for the moment, this variant is characterized by having trampolines, so his philosophy of play is seen more as a spectacle, as these beds are used to perform stunts and jumps film before managing to get the ball to the basket game.
Unicycle Basketball
We return to another variant of the most striking basketball. If you know what a unicycle, you will be too humorous sport. Remember that the unicycle is that kind of vehicle using a single wheel to scroll clowns . The rules that characterize this sport are mainly the player has one foot in one of the pedals when throwing the ball to the basket and wheels are rubber unicycle not affect the court.
Basket beach
It is practiced with teams of up to three players and play barefoot. Team members must make their points as the ball in a single basket that is at the center of a circle, so it is characterized as a game of quick passes and direct shots , while it is impossible to expect the ball bounce in the sand.
This is one of the variants of the most recognized basketball, being usually practiced by enthusiasts hip hop (and brewing a unique culture of the sport). It is characterized as a traditional game whereimportance is given to the "face to face" or clashes between the attacker and the defender . The first usually made spectacular plays with the ball to impress the opposing team. It is a variant that needs good sense of humor and a great sense of friendship to accept the challenges.
In this mode, teams play half-court and performing scores receive the ball to maintain possession.While there are no free throws, normal basketed worth one point and long shots are equivalent to two points instead of three.
Twenty one
Quite similar to the above, this variant can play in midfield, provided that it is not given priority to who keeps score, but the ball must be transferred to the opposing team, as is traditionally done. There is no score fixed and if the attacking team fails, then the defensive team can not attack directly to thehoop, but must send the ball to the triple bottom line, which is the usual place where this type of game starts. The winner is the first team to reach 21 points.
Disposer or KO
We conclude this article about variants of basketball with this modality. In it, players must stand in a row at any point on the field (usually in the free - throw line or triple). Then the first team tries to launch and, in the event of failure, the game moves to the area rebound until layup. At the same time the first set and player fails, the second row has the opportunity to launch. If it fails, then passes into the rebound area, so you should get the ball and score, eliminating the other player. Immediately, both the player eliminated as the player who has encestado must deliver the ball to row to which they belong to continue the run of play. In the end, the crucial moment comes when there are only two players, being allowed as tactical game players to use the ball to deflect the encestado the adversary.